Thursday 21 November 2013

18/09/13 Ice Breaker

Met Becky first thing in reception and had a catch up which was great as hadn't seen her since we left for summer so was nice to catch up then followed by the boys coming in we also had a chat with them. Was lovely to see everyone again. For me the first day back was almost an ice breaker session really. Getting 2nd years mixing with 1st years, we all crammed into the art studio and sat through a presentation led by Lance which was all about modules and changes for this year such as the 1st years modules were different to ours last year and so on.  We then did this fun quiz, it was a laugh and a great way to get back into college and mix with everyone in the room - it was a fun activity for first thing in the morning!

Then we did a drawing task led by Mark, we were asked to draw a caricature of ourselves and then around it draw objects and write words about things that we could bring to the course and also list what we could improve. Straight away a hate - drawing people, I cannot draw people so I was dreading it a little but as it was caricature it didn't have to be precise and again this was a laugh as we all had a giggle at each others funny drawings of ourselves. This was also a good chance to talk to some of the first years at the same time and get to know what sorts of things they like, their skills and what discipline they were going into.

It got me thinking about what I can bring to the course and also think about what I can improve. So I compiled a list of each:

What can I bring to my course:
Software Skills (Ai, Ps, Id, word processing, powerpoint)
Leadership skills
Organisation Skills
Creative Thinking
Graphic Design Skills
Drawing Skills

What can I improve:
Presentation skills (Confidence when presenting)
Working with clients
I could brush up on software knowledge

Listing these will help me tailor my upcoming projects to work on what I need to improve on and also I can add to the list as I go long and find weaknesses or areas I could improve on.

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