Thursday 21 November 2013

20/11/13 Design Duel Meeting 2

Today we met up with the photography students again regarding the "Design Duel", as of yet we haven't got an official name for it so we are sticking with that for now. After making a plan and timetable for everyone yesterday I was very optimistic and looking forward to the meeting as everyone would be able to have a copy of this and we would all then have the same information written down. The meeting didn't go to plan from the start, many people didn't turn up and then we go told that the proposed date we had chosen wouldn't be ok with some of the group due to work commitments etc, this was disappointing as we didn't want to change the date but then if we did it on the date we chose not everyone would be able to attend - it was a bit of a dilemma but we have decided to stick with December 12th.

We started to try and come up with a timetable for the day, deciding what events will happen when, when breaks will occur etc. The break in the middle was a bit of a pain as it interfered with timings for events. Me and Becky predominantly led the meeting with input from other group members from time to time. The timetable was rejigged many times throughout the meeting - I was getting a little stressed out as I thought having a sheet we could all work from would help but to me it didn't go as I had planned. It was difficult as not everyone was there so we couldn't allocate jobs and also different people kept popping in and out so we had to reexplain many things so everyone was up to speed with things. To me the meeting was not a success but at least me made a little bit of headway and arranged the events - Becky said she will try and organize the rest of the timetable later on so that will be a help if she can have that for the next meeting. As we also had a few prices for costings we went through this, we went through the prices and added them up to get a total cost then split this between the group which equated to roughly £1.50 each so costing shouldn't be an issue.

I think the next meeting I will step back a little and let someone else lead it, it will give everyone a chance to get involved as it is a group task and at the moment it is clear who are leading it and who is stepping back.

Action Points
For the next meeting:
Have some ideas for advertising the event
Will the event have a different name?
Have a rough or finalised timetable

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