Thursday 21 November 2013

25/09/13 Controversial Advertising Briefing

Wednesday AM
This morning we had a tutorial as a group with Lance. The subject was academic writing, we recapped writing our reflective journals remembering to write entries for each class, meeting, discussion, workshop and tutorial. We also looked back and discussed why our journals are important - they help us critically think, focus on meetings we have attended, discussions we have had, evaluate our work and performance and express our own values, beliefs and attitudes.

Lance showed us a really useful analysis and evaluation wheel with some great steps and questions to ask when analyzing and evaluating:
What happened?
What were you thinking?
What was good and bad?
Make sense of the situation
What else could I have done?
If it arose again what would I do?

This was very useful along with a presentation packed with useful questions we can use - accessible by Moodle

This then led us into our first assignment "Controversial Advertising". This assignment is split into 2 different sections. The first half and section we was working on this morning was analyzing advertisements - he sent us all off to do some research and pick 6 adverts to analyse from different subject areas: Pre 1990, public information in the UK, product, brand, press/journalism. I found some shocking adverts for these categories which I then printed out to analyse and pick at for understand the meaning - I found a useful book in the library to help me do this (Decoding Advertisements: Ideology and Meaning in Advertising by Judith Williamson)

After this Lance presented the second half of the assignment - we are required to produce a minimum of 2 billboard posters for a product, business, service or campaign. 1 playing it safe and 1 really controversial to society. Straight away I chose that I would like to do it for a campaign as there are a few I feel very strongly about and want to tackle the issue.

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