Thursday 21 November 2013

06/11/13 Meeting With Jade Wilcock (Deputy Head of Department for Hair, Beauty and Performing Arts)

Attended a meeting with Jade Wilcock today to discuss working alongside the dance/performing arts department to create some marketing material for their productions. When I got to the meeting Jade simply asked me what I was looking for in terms of what work I was looking to do. I told her how I want to be able to create something and see the finished outcome such as posters and see the finished thing up and around advertising an event. She said that they have an up and coming production of Cinderella that needs marketing so I am required to create a poster and flyer for this event - I am excited to have the opportunity to do this and link with other areas of the college. Jade showed me some past examples of posters for their productions to give me and idea of what sorts of things have been done before etc and then she gave me all of the important information about the event, time, location, prices and dates along with a brief description of the story - it isn't a fairy tale classic Cinderella it is a Victorian version. So this will impact on the design and theme of the poster and flyer.

She then rang marketing to clear with them that it was ok for me to do this as they are usually responsible for the marketing and advertising of productions. They were happy for me to go ahead but want to have a meeting with me so that I know the restrictions and protocol when designing the poster, what size font, logo etc. I am looking forward to this as it will give me an insight into working with marketing and also help me when it comes to dealing with clients as this is one of my weak points. So hopefully over the next few weeks I can gather some ideas and work with marketing on this also.

After the meeting I set straight into research looking into classic Cinderella posters and vintage posters also. I came across many fairytale/Disney style Cinderella posters which was a theme I was told to avoid so it was hard to find something un-fairytale. Told Lance I was struggling to find something so he suggested look for the book version of the story to look at the cover for inspiration - I did so and this did not help as the cover was blank. So was back to square one - I just kept researching Victorian Cinderella, masquerade Cinderella and things like that.

These are a few images I came across:

Cinderella, Platform Nov/Dec 2009

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