Wednesday 27 November 2013

25/11/13 International Women's Day Work Ideas

After last weeks meeting regarding international womens day I have started to think about some of the shocking statistics that Vanessa told us, I noted most of them down and I was reading through them and I decided I would like to form some sort of infographic out of them. I looked at a few examples of infographics for inspiration:

After researching I started to put together some of my own ideas. i thought about what sorts of things IWD wanted to include for the event, they wanted a magazine so I thought I could create infographics to include within the magazine, as I was working I decided to scrap the whole infographic idea and create  individual posters/pages for each statistic/fact which can feature throughout the magazine between articles etc. I may return to the idea of creating infographics at a later date for the event.

Here are my first few poster designs:

These are my designs so far, I hope to create some more using some more of the statistics. I hope to get fully involved with the event helping with the advertising aspects and possibly volunteering on the day.

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