Thursday 21 November 2013

20/11/13 Briefing with Vanessa - Chair for International Womens Day Derby

Half way through our Design Duel meeting we had to stop for a briefing for some projects related to the International Women's Day Derby. She told us how the brief is open to all disciplines and she is open to everyone's ideas which is great to get everyone involved.

Some things they require are:
Social media advertising
Magazine (including timetable, lasting product of the event)
Voulenteers for the day and events leading up to it

Vanessa gave us some very shocking statistics about female related issues such as rape, children  worrying about weight and also ratios of men to women in certain job roles. These could then be used in infographics or within the magazine. The theme for this year is "Generations" - all about bringing all different age groups together. And the keywords they wanted us to include are, festival, community, inspiring, celebration, campaigns and activism. The color scheme will be: Purple, Green, White.

This will be a great opportunity and I hope to get involved within the event itself volunteering and also producing some marketing material.

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