Thursday 21 November 2013

13/11/13 Design Duel Briefing

Today as a large group (all 2nd year degree students) we had a briefing with Lance about an event called the "Design Duel/Face Off" this is an event for level 3 art and design students, and we will host and plan it to present in December. I was already aware of last years event as this was solely put on by last years 2nd year graphics group. After the briefing we a meeting to discuss the planning of the event. We started off by working out when we was going to host the event and after much deliberation we decided upon the 12th December, we then talked through what events we could hold, was we going to make new ones or keep some existing from previous years.

This project requires us to work as a team and each person should have a specific job to do whether it be hosting the event, operating the music, powerpoint, videoing or photographing the event. It gives us all the chance to work on our presentation skills and team building skills.

We decided that we should have a team leader from each discipline, me for graphics, Lauren for fashion/textiles, Dan for fine art and photography couldn't decide for theirs.

Action Points
Look into prices for prizes and things needed for the events
Find out if we have a budget

This afternoon I have carried on working on my controversial ads. I have now completed them and I am happy with the outcomes. Lance told me about a website called "Graphic River" on there there's loads of templates and mock-ups to purchase, I purchased a few for presenting my adverts.

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