Thursday 21 November 2013

09/10/13 Completing Project Proposal

Spent this morning finalizing my project proposal. I have managed to complete a timetable which is easy to follow and I have managed to keep some contingency time for the end in-case anything goes wrong and I need spare time. My project proposal will help me to structure my project and also help me gain the skills I need for my chosen progression route.

Project Proposal
I have thoroughly looked into a range of progression roots including 3rd years at university and looking into different job roles that I could go into after my foundation degree. I looked into what sort of skills I will need for each and what things that would be expected of me. From this I identified weaknesses and gaps within my skill set that I can work on and improve which will then help me as I progress on to further study or straight into work. From this I have come up with a project proposal that will fit in all of the areas I need to improve upon such as communication with clients, creating a variety of small and large projects that I can then use to bulk up my portfolio and also help me gain skills using new software and researching more thoroughly.
For this project I am going to do one large project and also a range of mini projects. For the larger project I intend to approach the dance department of the college and produce some advertising material for them such as dance show posters, general advertisement for the department and also I hope to create a range of designs for white wall space within the department. These are big white wall space which I can create designs for which will brighten it up and make it look more appealing than just blank space. I hope to take the project as far as possible, working closely with the dance department so that I can work with them on any future projects that they may have lined up. I intend to work closely with the department and also use other departments within the college such as photography, I will approach photography students as I will need photographs of dancers for my project – this will fulfil the criteria of working closely with others and clients, essentially helping me improve my communication skills. These skills will then be valuable for both a 3rd year top up course and also in industry working within a studio. Because the project is solely done by myself it is up to me to present ideas to clients and speak by myself, there is not other peers or group members to take lead – I am not confident giving and presenting ideas so by having to do this it will help me improve and build upon my confidence. By doing mini projects also I can work on my time management skills – smaller projects with have a much tighter deadline than a larger project, for example I could just do a small project that would need an outcome by the end of the day or there could be another that would have a weekly deadline. So by having tight deadlines to comply to it will help me manage time better – in a job deadlines will be key therefore I will need to keep on top of what projects need to be completed when. I could create a timetable to help me keep track visually of what needs to be completed when.
                There will be a lot of research involved within the project. A requirement of my progression was that I need to develop my research skills – I am not thorough with my analysis and research so doing a lot of research will help me develop this skill. For the dance department advertising project I am going to research other dance studios and companies and look at the way they advertise and look at the way they use colour, composition and shape. In particular I will look at Melbourne Dance Company and their advertisements – they in particular have significant and distinguished adverts for their dance studio that will be an influence to me when making my own designs. I will research shape within dance, the shapes they make for dance moves etc, I will then try and incorporate these shapes into my designs. Another influence will be Jessica Walsh, from a recent project I did which was based on Jessica Walsh I remember one of her projects which I will look to for influence for my project – it is her Aizone project where she used items such as ribbons, hair and paint to make lettering and words, I want to do something similar within my project. I will not only research things relating to the project but I will also research tutorials and how to use software, this will fulfil a requirement that I need to improve for my progression. I want to learn more about using different software as I need to be more competent using different software such as illustrator because I am not that good using this software as of yet.
                Throughout the project I will come across successes and failures within the design process and also within the way I work and learn. I have already identified weaknesses within my skill set which I will develop throughout this project and expand on which will help me along my progression whether it be into a 3rd year top up course or into a design studio job. A good way to assess successes and failures is tutorials with my tutor, this will enable me to showcase my work which I have already produced and also hand in written assignments for initial marking so that I can have feedback and my tutor can make notes on what I can change etc for written pieces of work whilst also telling me what they like, don’t like and make suggestions on practical design work. Feedback is a good way for me to track progress – I can see what projects are going well and what isn’t going so well.


Contact Name
Email Address
Thomas Berriman (Burton College Performing Arts Teaching And Learning Technician)
Jane (Burton College Deputy Head Of Performing Arts)
(To be confirmed)
Hardy Signs, Burton

Costing and funding

Funding for:
Total Cost:
Adobe Creative Cloud Software (Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop etc.)
£15 per month
Printing costs for final outcomes
Dependant on size of print
Vinyl printing (hardy signs)
£25 per sq metre

Timescales and deadlines

Week Beginning
What do I need to do?
Resources Needed
Meet client(s) to discuss project
Arrange a meeting with the client(s) to discuss the project – gather information about what they require, what sorts of things they would like to see.
Notepad to note down requirements etc.
Start to generate initial ideas
Start and draw up some ideas, make list of what things I need to include within my designs.
Drawing and Sketching Materials
                      *TUTORIAL WITH TUTOR TO DISCUSS PROGRESS*                     
Continue generating ideas
Draw up some more ideas, think about colours, shape, layout etc.
Drawing and Sketching Materials
Meet with dance and photography students gather photographs produced
Meet with both dance and photography students to brief them on what sort of photographs I want and then gather final photographs.
Mock up some digital designs of initial ideas
Using software such as Illustrator and Photoshop start and create some digital designs of my initial ideas.
Design Software: Photoshop, Illustrator
Arrange meeting with client(s) to discuss initial ideas and showcase work.
Meet with the client(s) to show them my initial ideas. Gather feedback and take away any more info on requirements for the brief.
Notepad to note down feedback etc.
Look back on feedback and think about idea development
Look over the feedback received from the client(s) What did the like? What did the not like? What so I need to change/develop? Start to think about idea developments.

                      *TUTORIAL WITH TUTOR TO DISCUSS PROGRESS*                     
Start idea development
Start to develop the best initial ideas, first on paper then in a computer program such as Illustrator and Photoshop.
Design Software: Photoshop, Illustrator
Arrange a further meeting with the client(s) to show them idea developments
Meet with client(s) to show them developments made. See which idea they want to carry forward to be the final designs. Gather feedback.
Notepad to note down feedback etc.
Work on idea developments to produce a final design
Work on information gathered from client; use this to draw up final design.
Drawing and Sketching Materials
Work on final idea
Now that I have a drawn up final idea, start to develop and create the final product in the design software.
Drawing and Sketching Materials
Make final amendments of final design, ensure fulfils all criteria set by client(s)
Make any final changes to final design before client meeting. Make sure it fulfils all requirements set by the client(s) in previous meetings.
Drawing and Sketching Materials
Arrange final meeting with client(s) to show them the final outcome
Final meet with the client to show them the final outcomes of their brief. This will be their last change to inform me of any small changes that need to be made before submission and printing of the final product.
Notepad to note down final feedback on designs, any final changes
Contingency Time
Ensure majority of project is finished by this date to allow extra time in case anything else needs changing at last minute – I will have time allowed for this before deadline.

Contingency Time
Make sure project finished before this date – allow this week as extra time in case anything went wrong along the process in past weeks.


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