Thursday 21 November 2013

17/10/13 Arts Market Meeting 1

There is a live project coming up which is the annual Burton arts market which will take place late November.Rather than do lots of things individually we have come together as a group and decided to yes do things individually but also as a team in terms of organizing it and helping on another with ideas and running the stall. Becky decided to call a meeting so we could all come together and discuss our initial ideas, we wasn't sure whether to make it predominantly Christmas gifts or just gifts in general. In the end we decided to do a Christmas theme but not too strong with the theme. So gifts that people would buy as presents perhaps considering it is almost Christmas time.

We went round the group and all put down our ideas discussing them together, would they work, would they sell etc.The meeting was a success because it got us all thinking about the event and we was able to give each other help and feedback with ideas. We have arranged to meet again next week to discuss the developments in our ideas and see if we can find out anything else about who else will be on the stall and how big is the stall etc.

I hope to do the advertising for this event along with the help of Lauren. The group suggested we create flyers, posters and banners to draw the attention to the stall. I also would like to create a series of prints on postcards for the home, not with a Christmas theme but with quotes on about family and friends.

Action Points
Come up with ideas for advertising
Research quotes linking to family/friends/love etc
Think about amount of product I will/can produce in the time

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