Thursday 21 November 2013

23/10/13 Controversial Advertising

We have been working on our controversial ads today. A few of the group were unsure about using Photoshop to cut out and image and place in into another. I already knew how to do this but I struggle to get a clear edge on what I have cut out so Lance decided to do a tutorial for the group on how to cutting one image out and superimposing it onto another image.  He showed us the different tools we could use - the magic wand tool and the quick selection tool. he then showed us how to refine the edges to smooth them out so they didn't look grainy or pixelated. This was extremely useful as I was going to be selecting specific areas to remove from images for my ads.

I have one subject idea for my ads and I do have another subject to focus on but I don't have any ideas for this as of yet. I have done lots of research but I still cannot think of an idea what will be controversial enough so I hope to sit down with Lance tomorrow and go thorough my ideas and think about ideas for my controversial ad.

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