Thursday 21 November 2013

25/09/13 David Severn Visiting Lecturer


This afternoon we had a visiting lecture from David Severn, he is a social documentary and fine art photographer based in Nottingham. His work is concerned with the relationship between people and place. More specifically, how individuals and communities interact with or are affected by their environment. In particular he is interested in working class culture and the places associated with it, both historically and today.

David showed us a couple of his favorite projects including, "Thanks Maggie","The Showmen" and then a couple of random shots which he likes. It was interesting looking at why he takes an image rather then taking it for the sake of it each photo had a meaning and reason behind it which was good to see behind the photo.

Thanks Maggie

Briony waiting for friends - former Mansfield Woodhouse Colliery
The Showmen

The Nottingham Goose Fair from the Showmen

Jade visiting her Grandparents at home in their trailer. She wears her party dress ahead of the Showmen Children

A stall holder sits filing her nails while her husband attends some punters.

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