Monday 12 May 2014

29th January - Project Proposal

Today I decided to make a start on my project proposal - I knew that if I sat down and got on with it it wouldn't take me long, it was just getting on with it which was a struggle for me. It often takes me time to motivate myself to start but once I've started I get into it quickly and get things done. Anyway so I made a start - I used the template Lance provided and soon I was well into it. I knew what I wanted to do my project on so I just needed to expand on reasons why and explain exactly what I wanted to do and how I was going to do it. The timetable was what took the most time to do as it was thorough and detailed so it took my document up to 11 pages as it was so long. The project proposal will be presented alongside project outcomes and will be used throughout the project in order to ensure i'm on track with each section/part of the design, research and development processes.

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