Tuesday 13 May 2014


Been working very hard over the past few weeks - been cracking on with the First Steps projects, my self promotion material and the YCN stuff!! So I have been a busy bee. I made a start on the first steps research and before I knew it there was a huge stack of printed research which needs annotating! Yayy this will be fun!!! I thought for now I will leave the research and crack on with the designs for the app screens. There were lots of decisions which I needed to make for this app, the colours, the font, the layout and the content were all important things to consider as it was a sensitive subject. Then I needed to start with my self promo, what did I want it to look like, layout, colours etc.

I am pleased with my progress over these few weeks, once I have got on with it I have managed to get a lot done and made good progress on each of the projects. Having a week on holiday over Easter is worrying me that I may get behind with work and the deadline is 2 weeks after we get back!! So I had a chat with Lance about EVERYTHING!! There is lot's going on at the moment and i'm letting everything get on top of me. He has advised me to focus on my design work for now and then the written once i'm back after Easter as I can get it done when he is about if I need any help or questions about it. So for now its a focus on the design work!!

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