Tuesday 13 May 2014

5th March Sheffield Hallam Interview

Traveled all the way to Sheffield today!! I know its not a big deal but it made me feel independent and on the way it made me think can I do this every other day to and from uni? When I got there the room was considerably full and I was hoping not all of them people were in my interview - I then realised there were other interviews/events going on so I felt somewhat at ease then. We then went into a huge lecture room/classroom where we watched a presentation which lasted about 1 and half-2 hours if i'm honest it was a tab boring as it was mainly tailored to starting from first year so I had to sit through until they spoke very briefly about year 3. After this it was a group interview also so I felt that I didn't get what I wanted from it - there were 4 of us in my group and a course tutor, myself and one other person had applied for 3rd year then 2 others who applied for 1st year. We had to speak about our projects which the tutor had picked out of our folios. After the group interview there was an opportunity to go and look at the facilities but if I am honest by this time I had had enough - i'd been there for hours and I just wasn't feeling it, it was a long day so I don't know if I could do it all the time! One to consider.

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