Tuesday 13 May 2014

30th April - After Easter Break

BACK TO REALITY!!! So it was back to college today after the Easter break - having been away for the 2nd week i'm still in holiday mode! been used to doing nothing for the past week. I didn't get as much done in the first week of the break so I had lots to do. I needed to finish off my visual design works for both the first steps brief and the self promo brief ready for printing then there was the written pieces - the dreaded 5 year plan and 2 year reflection. I decided first I needed to tackle the design work, written pieces weren't going to take me too long to do so I could leave them a bit longer.

My main aim was to complete the research and development books ready to be printed. I started out completing the First Steps booklet. I had a few pages to add on development and then I needed to write an evaluation which I had been putting off due to my hate for evaluations but once I had done it I was suprised how long it was - for me it was loads! This was then ready to print once I had added the extra pages to the InDesign document and exported it as a PDF. I will be using a website called DoxDirect to print off this booklet.


Today I sent off the First Steps booklet to print along with 10 copies of my CV and 2 A3 prints of the app screen designs - these pages are in the booklet but I am also printing them A3 so that they can be read better. I chose to have the booklet printed wiro bound - I chose a white wiro to match the colour of the booklet. I decided to have a clear cover on the front and double sided pages which were 170gsm thick. I can't wait for it all to arrive!!

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