Tuesday 13 May 2014

8-9 May Completing self promo book ready for print

Now that my other book has come I am really excited to print off my self promo book. My website is all ready and now I just need to do a little research and extra pages on the site to make the booklet complete! Its exciting that I am so close to the end now. I am not sure whether I should print off any of the promo material such as the coffee cup wraps etc so I need to think about that ready for next weeks deadline. The book is going to be A5 for this project as I think that the A4 made the font look huge which looked a little silly in my opinion. I would also like this book to be paperback which has a longer turnaround by 2 days which means I will need to send it off asap in order for it to be delivered by Wednesdays hand in date.


I have just completed my booklet and sent it off, it says it takes an extra 2 days turnaround so i'm not sure if it'll come in time. I will just have to send Lance a digital link so that he can see it before the print arrives. I am looking forward to seeing the print as I don't know what the paperback prints come out like so I hope it'll look fab!!!

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