Monday 12 May 2014

5th February New College Nottingham Visit

After speaking via email to the course leader for the New College Nottingham top up course, today I visited the college to meet the course leader and to look around the facilities. I traveled by bus which gave me and insight as to how long it takes, how much it will be and then how to get to the college from the stop - this was useful as I would probably travel there by bus however I did catch the bus later in the day than I would if I was to go to the college. Once I got there I reported to reception to tell them I was there and they told me to sit down, I had been there for about 15 minutes then I went back to reception before waiting a further 5 minutes before the tutor arrived to collect me! She had only forgotten I was going that day - I thought oh great what a good start, NOT!!! However I couldn't let that sway my decision and I let it pass - we went up to the studio where I would be working, the building is an old silk mill building so it had some beautiful features. The room I will be studying in was on the top floor and it was lovely, light and airy! I could see myself working there - we went through the course structure, modules, days a week i'd attend etc so I gained lots of useful information which would help me make my decision as to if I would go if I was offered a place. I thought I could fit in easily and the college environment was for me - plus I liked the building! not that that's the deciding factor. We then went over to the HE suite, a room full of computers which are all up to date with software so I could use this space - it was lovely and quiet too so perfect environment to work in. There was also all of the printmaking, ceramic, mac suite facilities which I would have access too as well as Nottingham Trent Uni library use. Before I left I was offered a place which was good to know there and then so I just need to wait and see what happens with the others now. Overall I was impressed with the course, the facilities and the location. I could see myself going there and it's not too far for me to travel.

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