Monday 12 May 2014

4th February - Derby University Interview

Sooo today I had my interview at Derby Uni, after confusion or miss-communication somewhere between me and my mum as to where my interview was I ended up going on the bus which was a last minute unexpected change which then didn't set it up for a good start - I was unable to control the situation and traffic conditions etc whereas in a car it is a little easier as you can make a detour etc unlike a bus which was a problem which led to me getting to the Kedleston Road site a lot later than I had planned and from there I then had to catch the hopper bus to the Markeaton Street site so I was in a panic over time but that aside I did arrive on time and sat in the canteen there waiting for interview. I started looking round at other people whom would be interviewed also their portfolios were larger than mine most being A1 by the looks of it. As mine hadn't printed in such good quality I brought along a digital copy on my tablet also to show in a hope it would redeem the dodgy print. We all got led through the building to a small studio space where we had to put our portfolios so I thought i'd explain there and then about the print and say that I had a digital copy which was updated also. I felt very unprofessional with a dodgy print and folio which wasn't updated also. I don't think I had prepared as well as I should however I didn't have long to do so anyway so I didn't even have time to prepare mentally let alone physically with my work. We had to then sit in a room and be interviewed one by one - this was a long winded process and the room got emptier and emptier and I was starting to think I was going to be the last one in there. This made me more nervous sat in a quiet room waiting as everyone else went off one by one however I did make use of this time by noting down questions I wanted to ask which did help as I am usually one of them people who doesn't have questions so I thought it'd look better to ask something at least - I had a fair few to ask though. Finally it was my turn for interview and I had already interviewed my interviewer before so she briefly knew about me and what I wanted to do. The interview was very laid back, she asked a few questions about certain projects then just in general about the course. I felt somewhat relaxed and didn't feel like it was an interview, more of an informal chat which was a better surrounding for me to be in. I panic when its too formal. She picked up on something from my statement off Lance which made us giggle but thinking about it now its not really funny - he kept referring to me as a he then a she and writing her and his. I think this may have been if he used a template for everyone's reference and cut and pasted parts. I found it funny but now thinking it was slightly unprofessional, thanks Lance!! But I do credit him as he does do a lot in and out of college so I will let him off this time! Coming out of the interview I feel confident that it went well and I got from it what I needed - answers to my questions, feedback on my work and an insight into the course and the facilities.

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