Friday 11 April 2014

I have been given new project assignments!! 15th January

Today we have been given 2 new written assignments along with a small research task. Both new written assignments look great so i cannot wait to get stuck into them.

Project Proposal Brief

You are asked to research and identify areas of progression for your self, these should include 3rd year opportunities, job searches / applications, and may include plans for further in the future. Your research should be annotated and reflected upon.

After the first research stage you should use the information found to plan a work based project (that will meet the criteria for Exploring specialist pathway 2 and will take place during the planned module time – see module timetable), this may be a self initiated exhibition or a client / competition brief, but must help your progression needs.

This brief is great as I can take it in any way which I choose as long as it helps me to develop my progression needs as a designer. Now that I have received this brief I need to do my research into my progression needs and decide what sort of project I would like to do.

Visual Studies Project

Everyone has been given the new visual studies brief today which is 'Self Promotion' however I have already done this project in my 1st year therefore me and Lance are going to arrange a tutorial to talk about what I can do for visual studies instead of this project.

Self employment research task

We have also been given a small research task which will only take a few days to do. We need to research different sections covered within self employment including: health & safety, insurance, contracts, registering, money etc. Once this information is gathered I will then need to analyse it and then in my own words write a small summary of my findings. This should hopefully be a quick task which will not take me too long.

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