Friday 11 April 2014

Controversial Ads Presentation & D&AD Pitch

Wednesday 8th January - Controversial Ads Presentation

Today was the day that I had to do my controversial ads presentation - then there's the D&AD pitch tomorrow so there was lots more pressure on me across these 2 days!!!! I'm not the best at presentations so this was going to be a challenge for me and my nerves.

I felt somewhat calm and composed until It got to the time to present my first presentation which was on my cont ads - I was a bag of nerves and having everyone watch probably made me worse. I think that it did go ok and I had lots of good and constructive feedback however as usual I didn't  keep calm and I spoke fast without breathing so every so often I took lots of deep breaths. Throughout the presentation I did well not to rely on my notes - this was something I thought i'd have needed as I hadn't practiced as much as I perhaps should have. So I think I did well on this one. From the feedback received I got a good idea of what presentation skills I can improve upon for next time.

Thursday 9th January - D&AD Pitch

After that I was over I just wanted to relax but I then had to prepare for presentation number 2 on the following day! I was feeling a little better about this was as only Lance & Steph were watching it so it wasn't so bad. But the outcome of this was a fantastic opportunity so therefore there was a lot of pressure for this presentation. I spent quite a lot of time on the visuals for my presentation which then didn't appear as good once projected - they were bluury which didn't look great, this was a bit disappointing therefore what I was saying was more important. Aside from that the presentation went well, I did however as usual speed through my words. This is definitely something I need to work on in the future.

Overall considering that I have had to do 2 presentations to do within 2 days I think that I handled it better than I would have ion the past. I felt much more calmer and composed which in affect made my presentations run smoother. I think that I have performed well and across the course I have developed my presentation skills. Now that today is over I can somewhat chill a little but I do need to start my UCAS application, this shouldn't take me too long though - just need to start my personal statement! This will be the thing which takes time.

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