Friday 11 April 2014

15th January - University Application

Applying to university has been straight forward for me. The application on UCAS is simple to follow and takes minimal time to complete. The only thing for me which I kept putting off was the personal statement - I wasn't sure what to write and how to structure it, after some help from my parents and tutor I managed to complete my personal statement and drop it into my UCAS application. I knew I wanted to apply for Derby therefore this was my top choice, after visiting De Montfort I knew that this wasn't somewhere I wanted to apply, after looking at other uni specs and emailing universities I decided to add Sheffield Hallam to my application - after emailing them I had a response saying that they accept into 3rd year dependent on modules currently studied etc so I thought I'd apply here and see what comes from it. Just before sending my application I stared to think about top-up years, I hadn't looked into any when researching where I could go - I'm not sure why I didn't look but I didn't so I had a little look. I came across a top-up at New College Nottingham - I printed off the specs and course information. The more I looked into it the more I liked the look of this course. It is based at a college so its an environment i'm used to, fee's are cheaper there as it's at a college and I will be guaranteed to study level 6 as it is a top-up course. So this definitely made it onto my UCAS application and was a course I was certainly considering as my 1st or if not insurance choice.

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