Friday 11 April 2014

Hand In - 8th January

Today I had to hand in all of last semesters work _ I didn't really have much to do because most of it was ready before Christmas as this was initially the deadline date. So this morning was spent tieing off loose ends, printing off and compiling work into folders etc.

This hand in was a lot calmer than others as I had everything done in advance and I wasn't panicking thinking have I got everything. This then helped me to stay calm for this afternoons presentation. The only problem I had was that lots of people were printing today so therefore this slowed things down - also I had to top up on my print credit as I was running low, this is a bit of a pain having to go all the way over to the main library and you can only top up with change which is an inconvenience as you have to make sure you have change, being able to top up with notes would be an advantage for this process. However after all of this I managed to get it all printed and presented in time and handed it in to Lance - it was a relief to get it in and out of the way, then was just my presentations to do.

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