Thursday 2 January 2014


Today was supposed to be hand in day. I got into college nice and early to print off all of my work ready for hand in. For a start I got the hand in date wrong -  I thought it was today but its tomorrow instead. That aside I was all ready to do my presentation and finish off the last few loose ends of a few pieces of work. When we got in Lance told us that he thought it wasn't fair if the fine art students handed in their work without guidance off their tutor as he had been off ill so he decided to give us an extension - this was good in some ways but disappointing as I had set myself up for the presentation and to hand the work in. We now have until the 8th January to hand in the work and do the presentation. Due to room complications the D&AD new blood pitch has also been postponed until after Christmas. I haven't got a lot left to do so I can have a break over the festive period then work on what I need to complete after Christmas. Looking forward to a break without thinking about doing any work so perhaps hand in before Christmas would have been better as it would be out of the way but I am still going to have a break from it all until new year.

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