Monday 6 January 2014

Controversial Ads Evaluation

The aim of this project were to create 2 adverts – one which was controversial and one which was playing it safe. The ads could be based on a product, campaign or brand. I chose to do mine on a campaign as there are a few things that I have strong views against so I felt that to base my adverts on something which I am against will be easier as I could relate to it better. I chose to do my ads on anti-smoking around children and animal testing – originally I chose animal cruelty but then chose animal testing. I have strong views against both of these issues to I had lots of ideas for each advert. It was just hard to decide in the beginning what to base my adverts on but once I overcame this issue I was ok and ideas came flooding in. I think that sometimes it takes me a while to gather/generate ideas which is something I need to work on and there’s not always time to think for ages before getting a final idea. This project taught me about the impact that advertising has on me the viewer, adverts use different tactics depending on the message – whether it be shock tactics or persuasive tactics to sell. I succeeded with the project, I completed 2 adverts which fulfilled the brief – 1 that’s is controversial, designed to shock and another which is “safe” it is still based around a controversial topic but it is a tamed advert and not as shocking as the other. After showing others my adverts I got the reaction that I wanted when people saw them – they were completely shocked by my animal testing advert and then intrigued by my other advert on anti-smoking. If I was to do the project again I would like to have created more adverts for each topic which I chose – I would have liked to create a series of adverts. This is something I would have done if perhaps had more time and less going on at once but this is something I could expand on at a later date if I wish to do so. However this project has taught me a lot about advertising and advertising for a specific audience – there is a lot to bear in mind when designing for an audience and especially when it is about a sensitive subject such as the topics I chose. Overall I am pleased with the way the project went, I overcame any issues which I came across efficiently without it taking too much time away from my other tasks which needed completing. I have 2 strong outcomes which both fully interact with and engage the viewer of the advert.

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