Tuesday 17 December 2013

Deadline is approaching!

So its hand in day tomorrow! I have spent most of my day trying to tie up loose ends and complete a few little bits ready to hand it all in. Had a nightmare with my presentation - I hate presentations at the best of times so worrying about whether I had included enough content was starting to trouble me. I contacted a few of the other guys and their answers to the questions I had asked them reassured me somewhat which was good. I am nervous about the presentation however I'm also thinking to myself last week I stood up and spoke to 130+ students so I should be ok, however I wont have the rest of the group as "comfort" if I slip up whereas last week at the design duel they were there beside me. But I should be fine! Its only a 10 minute presentation - and I will be talking about my work so I should be confident in my work and hopefully it will run smoothly. There's only a few things I need to do in the morning such as print off a  few bits and complete and evaluation then its done! I love it once its all completed and handed in then I don't have to worry about it.

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