Tuesday 17 December 2013

Design Duel 12/12/13

Last Thursday (12/12/13) was the Design Duel. Finally the day had come and it was time to prepare and host the event! I was really nervous about presenting to such a high volume of students - turns out there wasn't as many as we had first thought but there was still 130 students! At first I have to admit there were a pretty tough crowd, lots of talking over us so I'm glad that in the end we had the megaphone wherever it came from - it was very handy. There were also a few who were reluctant to take part but this issue didn't go to heart as it appeared so many others were really having fun and enjoying it. I wish some more of the Photography team took part as it was supposed to be a group event however I applaud the 2 who did take - Amy and Erini :) We had a few funny group photos before the event which were a laugh, it really got us into the spirit of things and got us going and ready to host - even if we did have to wear funny elf hats!

After Christmas I will be doing my thorough evaluation of the day so there will be more to come on my blog about the day.

Here's just a few pics of the team and the event:

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