Tuesday 17 December 2013

Deadline is approaching!

So its hand in day tomorrow! I have spent most of my day trying to tie up loose ends and complete a few little bits ready to hand it all in. Had a nightmare with my presentation - I hate presentations at the best of times so worrying about whether I had included enough content was starting to trouble me. I contacted a few of the other guys and their answers to the questions I had asked them reassured me somewhat which was good. I am nervous about the presentation however I'm also thinking to myself last week I stood up and spoke to 130+ students so I should be ok, however I wont have the rest of the group as "comfort" if I slip up whereas last week at the design duel they were there beside me. But I should be fine! Its only a 10 minute presentation - and I will be talking about my work so I should be confident in my work and hopefully it will run smoothly. There's only a few things I need to do in the morning such as print off a  few bits and complete and evaluation then its done! I love it once its all completed and handed in then I don't have to worry about it.

Design Duel 12/12/13

Last Thursday (12/12/13) was the Design Duel. Finally the day had come and it was time to prepare and host the event! I was really nervous about presenting to such a high volume of students - turns out there wasn't as many as we had first thought but there was still 130 students! At first I have to admit there were a pretty tough crowd, lots of talking over us so I'm glad that in the end we had the megaphone wherever it came from - it was very handy. There were also a few who were reluctant to take part but this issue didn't go to heart as it appeared so many others were really having fun and enjoying it. I wish some more of the Photography team took part as it was supposed to be a group event however I applaud the 2 who did take - Amy and Erini :) We had a few funny group photos before the event which were a laugh, it really got us into the spirit of things and got us going and ready to host - even if we did have to wear funny elf hats!

After Christmas I will be doing my thorough evaluation of the day so there will be more to come on my blog about the day.

Here's just a few pics of the team and the event:

Tuesday 10 December 2013

Cinderella marketing follow up

Bit of a catch up on my journal, been a busy few weeks. After emailing Jade I received a reply on the 2nd December, Jade told me that she also hadn't heard from marketing and also was concerned therefore she forwarded it on to marketing which I felt reassuring to know that then hopefully they would respond. However she told me that she loved the design which was fab news! 2 days later I received an email back from Jade telling me that unfortunately marketing would not be going ahead with my design - this really disappointed me as it seemed that marketing didn't contact me then did it themselves. However Jade did tell me that although marketing did not want to continue with my designs  she did! She told me she'd like to use my poster in the performance venue (the brewhouse) and she also wanted me to create a cast list in the same style as my poster. I was glad that not all of my work was wasted and pleased it was still going to be used.
After receiving the cast list as an attachment in email I got on straight away with the cast list. It was a fairly easy to produce and was a quick task which was good as this project had a quick turnaround. This was then sent off to Jade, after a few alterations that were needed the cast list was complete and ready for the brewhouse! As a thank you for my efforts and work Jade has offered me 2 complimentary tickets to the show to see my work and watch the performance.